
Our puppies with their new families!

7th born, female, now named Ziva Storm with the Shott Family.

She went home with her new family! 2/22/12

Her first visit to the groomer -- love those bows! 2/23/12

A very special thank you to Stacie and Josh for sending photos of her -- we miss her but are so happy she is so obviously loved!


10th born, female, now named Naomi with the Martinez Family


3rd born, male, renamed Rocket -- with his new owner, Matt Moore


2nd born, female, with his new family, The Davidsons, as a surprise birthday present for their six year old daughter. Just got a text that they made it back to Oklahoma and have named her Bailey.

 Jim said,  "After our Rayden (their male Akita) peed on her, they're getting along just fine!" I love it! They drove from Oklahoma and met us in Ft Worth to pick her up.

Bailey with her new mate, Rayden. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the look on their faces!!!


5th born, male, adopted by the Jackson family as a surprise as well. The family had recently lost a dog and Sean wanted to surprise his family with a new puppy. Since we were already taking Bailey (above) to Ft Worth, we grabbed our boy and took him as well. However, after Sean paid his deposit via paypal, his wife got a text and almost blew the surprise! Update on name and photos with their boys to come!

I think the surprise went well! They have named him TITUS -- so perfect!

This morning (2/24/12), I received this photo. That photo just defines "home", doesn't it?


8th born (male) adopted to the Villarreal Family (2/25/12)
This photo cracks me up! If you know our 8th born male's personality, this photo just about sums it up: He's cute and fluffy and smacking his people into loving him!
Just got word that they have named him LIGHTNING! It will be interesting to see if the boys' choice of name sticks, or if Mom and Dad will override it! 

Photo taken February 25th, 2012

They came back! Apparently a week with our big boy did not deter them from getting our first born, a female we'd called Nike due to the check mark on her back. We met them again last night for them to pick her up, and they'd brought Lightning with them, so I got a gazillion kisses after not seeing the boy in a few days. I just love this family, and I'm so excited they have two of our babies. Carly was so sad at losing her little Nike girl, but she had met Victor, Rissa and the kids and knew they'd give her girl a ton of love. Plus, Rick and I adore the idea of two of our puppies growing up together. In this photo, the middle boy really wanted Nike on Saturday but they took Lightning instead. When he saw Nike last night, his entire face lit up and his eyes were HUGE. I kid you not, he looked like it was just announced there would be an extra Christmas this year. I so wish I'd captured that look on a photo but I didn't. And of course, we have a new photo, and this time, they pulled a baby out of the truck! I didn't even KNOW about the baby girl they had on Saturday! I was so shocked! So Rissa is more woman than I ever want to be -- although I have four kids (three girls then the boy, opposite of them), she's got four kids, one being a newborn, and TWO puppy Akitas! She's a wonder! So here is their photo from last night: The ENTIRE family, including the baby and BOTH of their puppies.

See?! BABY GIRL magically appeared!!
Photo taken February 29th, 2012


Oh Miss Priss...

Our spotted girl was claimed four weeks after birth. She is definitely our most unusual in coloring. Our friend, Edward Fisk, wanted her and he finally got to pick her up this week. And in a SNAP, he was in love. It's a little disgusting, actually. HAHA! It's fun having her go to a personal friend -- he puts photos up on Facebook, and of course, he'll bring her with him whenever he visits, which is awesome!

See? Spoiled already...
This photo was put on Fisk's Facebook page, and I had to share it!
Yeah, that doesn't look like a puppy bed!!!

I love it!

Our last boy went to his new home today to the Rankin family! They are naming him Phoenix! Unfortunately, I didn't remember to get my new family photo until the kids were loaded into their car, and then Phoenix didn't want to cooperate -- silly puppy. I'm hoping she will send me a new photo of him with his new family and I'll update this again. This photo just really doesn't look like he usually does, but HOW ADORABLE are those kids?!

Photo taken 3/4/2012

Our last puppy -- GONE! Our fourth born, lightest girl, Rick's favorite, finally got a home to a great family that is pretty local to us here. Thanks to a mutual friend who spread the word about the puppies, we got to meet and friend Brent and Stacey -- and rumor has it, she slept in the bed with them her first night home! So spoiled!

And that's it, folks. All ten of our babies are now adopted.... pardon me while I cry a little.

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